Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Party PopTeenies Review

Before I start, I want to mention that these were a super cute last minute buy because I saw them for a really great price on Amazon! I originally bought them for my niece, but when they came in, they were so cute I just had to open one up.

Now to begin, upon opening the package and reading the directions, I realize that one of these poppers is like the Fourth of July party poppers from when I was a kid. Of course, once I found that out I got a little excited to open it. So, step one was to open up the middle by just pulling it in half. Inside of there were five little packages that each contained a little piece of the overall picture. By opening a party hat, two cans of soda, a pair of cat ear headbands, a horn, and a little monkey I realized that this set was a birthday party set. 

The next step, after having the party supplies out of the middle is to twist them until they "POP!" The first one I did, I didn't realize how it would be or what to expect, so I was twisting and twisting when all of the sudden my life flashed before my eyes and I had to check and make sure my heart was still beating. The part that I did had the birthday cake pop out of it with some cat and bear shaped foil confetti pieces. After that end though, I knew what I had to do, I had to freak out my boyfriend by having him do the second one. He despises the Pillsbury cans of dough because they are like a Jack in the Box, anything along those lines freaks him out. So, when I asked him to help me open it because I couldn't open it, he started slowly and I mean SLOWLY turning it to see what was happening. Finally, it came time for it to open as it flies across the room and he jumps off of the couch onto the floor. Ody and I instantly start busting out into laughter leading to tears it was too funny. 

In the end that Kyle ended up opening was the doll itself as well as some more confetti and a few cardboard party hats, balloons, and masks to go with the birthday party setup. Below is an image of everything that was in the popper, aside from the confetti pieces that I tossed into the trash because let's be honest, who needs a zillion of those laying around. I can't be the only one that has to throw away tons of pieces to things that are all over the floor, but you don't know where they belong. 

Upon looking at the sheet and finding which doll I had opened up, I found that her name is Lily and there are several other dolls and sets to collect as well. Overall, I rate this product a 8/10 because I think it is fun to trick people into doing them, just kidding. However, I think the pieces are too small and too hard to keep track of. I ended up putting my niece's into a Ziploc baggy, I am not sure if that will last, but at least they are in there for right now. They are really cute, and really fun to open, the only downside is that they are super small. Maybe they have a storage for these specifically, or maybe you can just buy a storage for them to make it easier. 

Now, for the best part of this review, the surprise....... a GIVEAWAY!

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